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Multi-Axis Translation Stage Configurations: Part II: X-Y-Z Setup
Continuing from where Part I: X-Y Setup ends, learn how to add a Z-axis to an existing X-Y configuration to achieve three degrees of freedom. Use this easy step-by-step video to help you create a system that provides finer resolution than just moving a post up and down. Randall Hinton, Solutions Engineer, demonstrates how to assemble a three-axis (X-Y-Z) configuration using Edmund Optics' TECHSPEC® Single Axis Crossed Roller Translation Stages in part II of this informative video series.
Hi, my name is Randall, a Solutions Engineer at Edmund Optics. In Part 1, I took just a couple of minutes to assemble an X-Y Translation Stage system allowing for repeatable adjustments and precise alignment in two directions. Many applications require adjustment in the Z direction, rather than just moving a post up and down. Today, I will add a Z-Axis to our assembled X-Y configuration, creating an X-Y-Z setup. This is a bit trickier because of the way the micrometer is mounted onto the stage. The positioning of the micrometer causes the load to be supported by the spring tension. In order to alleviate this, I will show you how to remove the micrometer, re-attach it to an existing X-Y configuration, with the addition of a Z bracket. In addition to the X-Y setup we configured in Part 1, we need the following mechanical components. 40mm, Side Drive, Solid Top Metric Stage. 40mm Z bracket. 2mm, metric Allen Wrench and 0.05-inch English Allen Wrench. Let's start. Step 1: Align the 4 M3 counterbored holes in the Z-Axis bracket to the corresponding holes in the top plate of the 40mm stage. Step 2: Now using the included M3 Socket Head Cap Screws and the 2.5mm metric Allen Wrench, fasten down the bracket to the top plate. Step 3: Tighten the clamp screw and secure the stage. Next, loosen the screws securing the micrometer head with the 0.05-inch English Allen Wrench and remove the micrometer head. Step 4: Now remove the micrometer base and the micrometer stopper with the 2mm Allen Wrench. Now removing the stopper. Speeding up the video. Next, remove the clamp screws with a Phillips-head screwdriver, removing the clamp screw and the clamp plate. Step 5: Attach this stage to the Z-Axis bracket. First, using a 2.5mm metric Allen Wrench and the included M3 Socket Head Cap Screws, secure the two screws on the upper side. Move the stage by hand and then secure the screws on the lower side. Next, move the stage to an adequate position and tighten the clamp screw over the clamp plate. Then secure the clamp screws. Step 7: Attach the micrometer stopper, then the micrometer base. You may note that the attached position and the direction differ from the previous position and direction of the original stage. Be sure to tighten the screws securely. Step 8: Insert the micrometer head into the micrometer base. Insert the micrometer head all the way in securely. If it does not go in all the way, move the stage or adjust the micrometer. Be sure to rotate the head so that the dial on the micrometer head can be seen clearly, securing it with a set screw. Note that the attached position and direction differ from the previous position and direction of the original configuration. As you can see, you have now created a complete X-Y-Z Axis Translation Stage system. You can now make repeatable, precise movements in three dimensions after a little assembly of our standard components. I hope you have enjoyed Part 1 and Part 2 of this video series. Remember, if you have any further questions or would like to discuss your next application, feel free to contact Edmund Optics Tech Support today.
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