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Platine Adaptatrice 5,00"

Stock #53-925 3-4 jours
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Propriétés physiques et mécaniques

Black Anodized Aluminum

Filetage & montage

(3) ¼-20, (2) ¼-20 S.H.C.S Slots

Conformité réglementaire

Certificate of Conformance:

Description Produit

  • Designed for Our Linear Positing Stages and Slides
  • Centered ¼-20 Hole Enables Use with Posts and Post Holders

Notre ligne de platines adaptatrices sont conçues pour nos plateaux de positionnement et permettente une variété d'applications sur banc optique. Bien que conçu pour un montage direct à une table de laboratoire, chacune se compose d'un filetage ¼-20 pour le positionnement vertical avec nos tiges et supports de tiges.

Remarque : #53-922 n'a pas de fentes, seulement 4 trous pour #¼ SHCS.

Pour l'utilisation avec nos plateaux à translation et à roulements à billes.

This precision-machined adapter plate enables secure and flexible integration of linear positioning stages, slides, and breadboard-mounted systems. The centered ¼-20 threaded hole supports vertical mounting using standard optical posts and post holders. Ideal for creating modular setups in lab environments, this adapter plate offers compatibility with a wide range of motion control components. The counterbored slots ensure adjustability while maintaining a stable, flush connection, making it a versatile solution for prototyping, alignment systems, or research instrumentation.


   What components is this adapter plate compatible with?

It’s designed to interface with Edmund Optics’ linear translation stages, ball bearing slides, standard breadboards, and optical posts.

   Can this adapter plate be used for vertical setups?

Yes, the centered ¼-20 mounting hole allows secure vertical mounting with standard posts and post holders.

   What makes this adapter plate adjustable?

The counterbored slots provide adequate clearance, allowing for fine adjustment of the mounting position during setup or alignment.

   Does this plate support direct mounting to optical tables or breadboards?

Yes, it’s fully compatible with common breadboard hole patterns for direct and stable mounting.

Informations Techniques

  A B C D E F Stock No.
1.25" Adapter Plate Assembly 1.25" 2.75" 2.00" 1.00" 4-40 0.88" #53-922
1.75" Adapter Plate Assembly 1.75" 3.75" 3.00" 1.00" 6-32 1.12" #53-923
2.62" Adapter Plate Assembly 2.62" 4.75" 4.00" 2.00" ¼-20 2.00" #53-924
5.00" Adapter Plate Assembly 5.00" 6.75" 6.00" 4.00" ¼-20 4.00" #53-925

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