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(0-1" Range), 0.0001", Mechanical Outside Micrometer, Friction Thimble

Stock #78-300 Nouveau 3-4 jours
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0 - 1 inches
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Description commune pour les Produits de la même Famille

  • Available as Standard, Blade Micrometer, or with Interchangeable Anvils
  • Measurement Ranges from 0 – 6”
  • Baked Enamel Finish on Frame for Durability

Mitutoyo Mechanical Micrometers provide quick and accurate external measurements and are available in several form factors to best suit the application. The Uni-Mike Micrometer features interchangeable anvils ranging from 0-1” for measuring tube thickness, rivet head heights, and shoulder-edge distances. The non-rotating spindle type blade micrometer utilizes a blade anvil and spindle to reach difficult to measure areas and reduce torsion on softer parts, making it ideal for grooves and keyways. Mitutoyo Mechanical Micrometers feature a ratchet stop or friction thimble to provide uniform pressure on a workpiece for precise, repeatable measurements. These micrometers are designed with a baked enamel finish and carbide facing on the spindles and anvils for enhanced durability and longer lifespan.

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