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Gagnant du Norman Edmund Inspiration Award
University of North Carolina Charlotte, États-Unis – soumis par Cobey McGinnis
This project focuses on developing a single-pixel hyperspectral imaging camera that can identify malignant tissue and allow for real-time margin assessment by surgeons. The American Cancer Society estimates that more than 1.7 million people will be diagnosed with cancer in 2019 and that over 600,000 people will die from the disease. Surgery remains the primary treatment for solid mass tumors with the objective being to remove malignant tissue while minimizing damage to adjacent healthy tissue. This project demonstrates an impactful, applicable research opportunity in the field of optics that could lead to more positive outcomes for cancer patients who require surgery.
Amérique — $10 000 en produits
University of Colorado Boulder, États-Unis – soumis par Emily Bedell
For the design of an in-situ fluorimeter to detect microbial risk levels in drinking water sources in real-time. The application will be in low-income contexts where fecal contamination of drinking water is prevalent. Currently, approximately 780 million people in the world lack access to an improved water source, and unsafe drinking water is a leading cause of preventable disease and higher mortality. Cost effective, real-time assessment of microbial water quality is needed to provide early warning alarms of contamination risk. View a summary of this research here.
Europe — €7 000 en produits
Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Institute of Applied Physics, Allemagne – soumis par Jan Sperrhake
In neonatology and pediatric intensive care medicine, it is very important to continuously observe the vital signs of newborns. But existing technology relies on sensors that have to be attached to newborns, which cause restriction of movement and sometimes even painful skin irritations. Reliable data on vital signs is essential in order to prevent lung and heart failure or even sudden child death. The project aims to solve these problems through the development of an all-new multipurpose, contactless medical sensor device. A high-resolution 3D imaging system is being developed that allows collecting data on the movement of patients. Additionally, spatially resolved multi-spectral imaging is being used to detect and map different vital signs at once. The success of this project could be a door opener for more contactless medical technology, revolutionizing many processes currently in place.
Amérique — $7 500 en produits
University of Arizona, États-Unis – soumis par Travis Sawyer
For the development of a novel endoscope for early detection of esophageal cancer. The device uses optical coherence tomography (OCT) to analyze tissue structure and hyperspectral imaging (HSI) to probe metabolism. This endoscope will be the first to integrate OCT and HSI in a clinically-translatable device for esophageal cancer screening.
Europe — €5 000 en produits
University of Bern, Suisse – soumis par Andreas Riedo
Reliable in-situ detection of signatures of life on extra-terrestrial bodies within the solar system is extremely challenging and depends on various parameters, including the application of robust and sensitive measurement techniques for the detection of biological signatures. This project aims to develop a robust and sensitive detector for the reliable in-situ detection of such signatures of life on these bodies within the solar system. This will be done using a novel and sensitive miniature laser desorption mass spectrometer, a system not yet applied in space science, which is coupled with a nanosecond laser system operated in the UV. Amino acids relevant to life, drop casted on a stainless-steel substrate, can be gently desorbed and identified down to trace level concentrations. The sensitivity and robustness of the system is being designed to outperform other available space systems designed for life detection and is being considered by NASA for its upcoming mission to Europa.
Amérique — $5 000 en produits
University of Central Florida, États-Unis – soumis par Guanjun Tan
For the resolution of several remaining optical challenges in head-mounted display systems, including virtual reality and optical see-through augmented reality. This project uses advanced active liquid crystal elements to solve several challenging issues of near-eye displays.
Europe — €3 000 en produits
Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium – soumis par Alejandro Madrid Sánchez
The slow speed of current two-photon polymerization (TPP) for printing 3D structures makes it an inefficient technique for manufacturing wound dressings at a centimetre scale. This project proposes a novel solution to reduce the printing time by producing tailored voxels which can enable large-scale 3D structures to be implemented in biomedical applications. The idea is to use beam shaping optics to redistribute the irradiance profile of the laser beam, optimize the use of the laser energy, and produce larger voxels that compose larger 3D structures. This has the potential to lead to a substantial increase in 3D printing speed and could have wide-reaching impact across many different sectors.
L'ensemble des 30 finalistes de l'Educational Award seront en lice au Norman Edmund Inspiration Award. Ce prix est doté d'un montant additionnel de 5 000 USD sous la forme de dons de produits.
Le programme gagnant sera sélectionné à la seule discrétion d´un comité du Board of Directors d’Edmund Optics. Le prix sera décerné au programme qui incarne le mieux l’héritage de Norman Edmund. Il a été un entrepreneur excellent et le createur d’Edmund Scientific, qui a ensuite évolué pour devenir Edmund Optics. Avec son catalogue plein d’innovations optiques et ses expérimentes scientifiques, il a enthousiasmé des générations de jeunes talents pour les sciences et l'ingénierie. Tout le monde se souvient de lui pour sa générosité, sa curiosité et son amour des sciences.
Le gagnant du Norman Edmund Inspiration Award sera annoncés le 8 novembre 2019. Tous les termes et conditions mentionnés ci-dessus s'appliquent également pour le Norman Edmund Inspiration Award.
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