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TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. Learn More

Lentille Plan-Convexe Traitée MgF2, 75 mm de dia. x 300 mm FL

Stock #71-843 Nouveau 3-4 jours
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Caractéristiques du produit

Plano-Convex Lens

Propriétés physiques et mécaniques

Diamètre (mm):
75.00 +0.0/-0.025
Centrage (arcmin):
Épaisseur Centrale CT (mm):
Épaisseur au Bord ET (mm):
Ouverture Utile CA (mm):
Protective bevel as needed

Propriétés optiques

Distance Focale EFL (mm):
Distance Focale Arrière BFL (mm):
MgF2 (400-700nm)
Spécification du Traitement:
Ravg ≤1.75% @ 400 - 700nm
Substrat: Many glass manufacturers offer the same material characteristics under different trade names. Learn More
Qualité de Surface:
Power (P-V) @ 632.8nm:
Irregularity (P-V) @ 632.8nm:
Tolérance Distance Focale (%):
Rayon R1 (mm):
Ouverture Numérique NA:
Gamme de Longeur d'Onde (nm):
400 - 700
Damage Threshold, By Design: Damage threshold for optical components varies by substrate material and coating. Click here to learn more about this specification.
10 J/cm2 @ 532nm, 10ns

Conformité réglementaire

Certificate of Conformance:

Description Produit

Les Lentilles Plan-Convexes (PCX) Traitées MgF2 TECHSPEC® possèdent une distance focale positive, les rendant idéales pour recueillir et focaliser la lumière dans des applications d’imagerie. Elles sont également utiles dans une variété d’applications impliquant les émetteurs, détecteurs, lasers et fibres optiques. Les Lentilles Plan-Convexes (PCX) Traitées MgF2 TECHSPEC sont disponibles dans une grande variété de diamètres et de distances focales. Des modèles identiques de ces lentilles sont également proposés non traités ou avec autres traitements antireflets à large bande (BBAR), qui comprennent : VIS 0°, VIS-NIR, NIR I, NIR II, VIS-EXT et YAG-BBAR.

Informations Techniques


Typical transmission of a 3mm thick, uncoated N-BK7 window across the UV - NIR spectra.

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Typical transmission of a 3mm thick N-BK7 window with MgF2 (400-700nm) coating at 0° AOI.

The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: 

Ravg ≤ 1.75% @ 400 - 700nm (N-BK7)

Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only.

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Typical transmission of a 3mm thick N-BK7 window with VIS-EXT (350-700nm) coating at 0° AOI.

The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: 

Ravg ≤ 0.5% @ 350 - 700nm

Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only.

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Typical transmission of a 3mm thick N-BK7 window with VIS-NIR (400-1000nm) coating at 0° AOI.

The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: 

Rabs ≤ 0.25% @ 880nm
Ravg ≤ 1.25% @ 400 - 870nm
Ravg ≤ 1.25% @ 890 - 1000nm

Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only.

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Typical transmission of a 3mm thick N-BK7 window with VIS 0° (425-675nm) coating at 0° AOI.

The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: 

Ravg ≤ 0.4% @ 425 - 675nm

Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only.

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Typical transmission of a 3mm thick N-BK7 window with YAG-BBAR (500-1100nm) coating at 0° AOI.

The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: 

Rabs ≤ 0.25% @ 532nm
Rabs ≤ 0.25% @ 1064nm
Ravg ≤ 1.0% @ 500 - 1100nm

Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only.

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Typical transmission of a 3mm thick N-BK7 window with NIR I (600 - 1050nm) coating at 0° AOI.

The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: 

Ravg ≤ 0.5% @ 600 - 1050nm

Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only.

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Typical transmission of a 3mm thick N-BK7 window with NIR II (750 - 1550nm) coating at 0° AOI.

The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: 

Rabs ≤ 1.5% @ 750 - 800nm
Rabs ≤ 1.0% @ 800 - 1550nm
Ravg ≤ 0.7% @ 750 - 1550nm

Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only.

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Coating Curves

  • Traitement MgF₂ (400-700 nm)
Only 2 different Y Axises can be displayed at one time.
Wavelength (nm)3504355206056907758609451030111512000%0.5%1%1.5%2%2.5%3%3.5%Reflection (%)Coating Curve ChartTraitement MgF₂ (400-700 nm)
SHIFT + SELECT an area on CURVE to zoom

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