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TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. Learn More

50mm Stage Breadboard Mounting Plate

Stock #72-723 Nouveau 3-4 jours
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Description commune pour les Produits de la même Famille

  • High Precision, Monobloc Designs
  • Integrated Motor and Controller
  • Compatible with TECHSPEC Manual Stages

TECHSPEC Stainless Steel Motorized Linear Stages are a high-precision motion control solution for automated system alignment. The monobloc stainless steel design features ball bearing guides cut directly into the stage chassis, ensuring higher stiffness, straightness, and parallelism than typical stage assemblies. These motorized stages utilize the same mounting hole patterns as TECHSPEC Manual Stages and Slides, allowing for the creation of combined manual and motorized optical systems, depending on the application's needs; this versatility is unique to Edmund Optics. TECHSPEC Stainless Steel Motorized Linear Stages are easily programmable and daisy chain compatible, ensuring fast setup of multi-axis automated systems. The stages deliver high precision for demanding photonics applications.

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