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TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. Learn More

25mm de Diamètre, non traité, Fenêtre Ultra-Mince N-BK7

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Ultra-Thin N-BK7 Windows

Stock #66-188 3-4 jours
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Qté 1-5
Qté 6+
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Caractéristiques du produit

Protective Window

Propriétés physiques et mécaniques

Protective as needed
Ouverture Utile CA (mm):
Diamètre (mm):
25.00 +0.00/-0.10
Épaisseur (mm):
0.20 ±0.025
Fine Ground
Dureté de Knoop (kg/mm2):
Parallélisme (arcsec):
Rapport de Poisson:
Module d'Élasticité de Young (GPa):

Propriétés optiques

Nombre d'Abbe (vd):
Indice de Réfraction (nd):
Substrat: Many glass manufacturers offer the same material characteristics under different trade names. Learn More
Qualité de Surface:
Front d'Onde Transmis, P-V:
Gamme de Longeur d'Onde (nm):
350 - 2200

Propriétés des matériaux

Coéfficient d'Expansion Thermique CTE (10-6/°C):
7.1 (-30 to +70°C)
8.3 (+20 to +300°C)
Densité (g/cm3):

Conformité réglementaire

RoHS 2015:
Reach 219:
Certificate of Conformance:

Description Produit

  • Epaisseur ultra-fine, 0,20 mm
  • Substrat de précision en N-BK7
  • Extrêmement légères

Les Fenêtres Ultra-Minces en N-BK7 TECHSPEC® sont les fenêtres les plus minces que nous ayons, avec une épaisseur minimale de 1/10e par rapport à nos fenêtres N-BK7 traditionnelles. Leur concept extrêmement fin les rend parfaites pour des applications sensibles au poids et à la taille. Par ailleurs, leur concept haute-tolérance produit une distorsion et une dispersion du rayon minimes. Les Fenêtres Ultra-Minces en N-BK7 TECHSPEC® sont disponibles sans traitement ou avec un traitement MgF2 antireflet. Pour des dimensions sur mesure ou des options de traitement, veuillez contacter notre support commercial.

Remarque : Les Fenêtres Ultra-Minces en N-BK7 sont très fragiles. Manipuler ces fenêtres avec soin.

Informations Techniques


Typical transmission of a 3mm thick, uncoated N-BK7 window across the UV - NIR spectra.

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Typical transmission of a 3mm thick N-BK7 window with MgF2 (400-700nm) coating at 0° AOI.

The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: 

Ravg ≤ 1.75% @ 400 - 700nm (N-BK7)

Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only.

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Typical transmission of a 3mm thick N-BK7 window with VIS-EXT (350-700nm) coating at 0° AOI.

The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: 

Ravg ≤ 0.5% @ 350 - 700nm

Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only.

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Typical transmission of a 3mm thick N-BK7 window with VIS-NIR (400-1000nm) coating at 0° AOI.

The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: 

Rabs ≤ 0.25% @ 880nm
Ravg ≤ 1.25% @ 400 - 870nm
Ravg ≤ 1.25% @ 890 - 1000nm

Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only.

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Typical transmission of a 3mm thick N-BK7 window with VIS 0° (425-675nm) coating at 0° AOI.

The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: 

Ravg ≤ 0.4% @ 425 - 675nm

Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only.

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Typical transmission of a 3mm thick N-BK7 window with YAG-BBAR (500-1100nm) coating at 0° AOI.

The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: 

Rabs ≤ 0.25% @ 532nm
Rabs ≤ 0.25% @ 1064nm
Ravg ≤ 1.0% @ 500 - 1100nm

Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only.

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Typical transmission of a 3mm thick N-BK7 window with NIR I (600 - 1050nm) coating at 0° AOI.

The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: 

Ravg ≤ 0.5% @ 600 - 1050nm

Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only.

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Typical transmission of a 3mm thick N-BK7 window with NIR II (750 - 1550nm) coating at 0° AOI.

The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: 

Rabs ≤ 1.5% @ 750 - 800nm
Rabs ≤ 1.0% @ 800 - 1550nm
Ravg ≤ 0.7% @ 750 - 1550nm

Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only.

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