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*Rebroadcoast of the successful June-Edition
Industrial advancements in manufacturing, autonomous vehicles, factory automation, and semiconductor and electronics inspection have been driven by the growth and rapid improvement of machine vision technology. Collectively, we all have the power to transform and shift the imaging industry in ways that will make the world a better and safer place. Join us for another Edmund Optics Innovation Summit to:
Check back for updates.
Presented by Matthias Sonder, Leader of the Advanced Development Team at Teledyne DALSA, we will begin our summit by discussing current sensor technology and how the existing technology trends are affecting imaging as an industry.
In this section of the summit, we will briefly recap some of the important fundamental concepts that will be used in later sections.
15 Minute Break
As demands for higher resolution continues, pixel sizes are decreasing in size. Smaller pixels may theoretically increase megapixels, but how do they affect image quality?
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On the next episode of LIGHT TALK, Katie Schwertz, Design Engineering Manager at Edmund Optics, explains the challenges of creating optical designs around large format sensors. Hear from various industry experts during our highly-anticipated Innovation Summit.
Advanced tactics including how selective vignetting and sensor tilt can be used to increase image quality.
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Mary Turner, Technical Fellow at Edmund Optics, will be presenting at our upcoming Innovation Summit where she will dive deeper into optical design. Her focus will be around vignetting and advanced lens design topics.
15 minute Break
Specsheets tell you how well your lens performs in the ideal use-case, but in this section, we will discuss how to push your systems to get the most performance for your application.
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Hear from Jeremy Govier, Principal Engineer at Edmund Optics, at our next Innovation Summit about pushing your imaging lenses beyond their specsheet.
In our closing thoughts, we will look back on some of the imaging industry’s challenges from the past, identify prospective imaging challenges, and define the goals for the future.
Join us for some additional ideas, thoughts, and discussions.
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Join us virtually on July 6th to gain valuable insights into imaging trends and the technology they make possible. Together, we can discover how the future depends on optics!
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Join Nick Sischka, Manager of Sales Operations for Imaging at Edmund Optics, in the lab as he highlights key agenda topics for our July 6th Innovation Summit: Defining the Future of Imaging.
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On the next episode of LIGHT TALK, Katie Schwertz, Design Engineering Manager at Edmund Optics, explains the challenges of creating optical designs around large format sensors. Hear from various industry experts during our highly-anticipated Innovation Summit.
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Mary Turner, Technical Fellow at Edmund Optics, will be presenting at our upcoming Innovation Summit where she will dive deeper into optical design. Her focus will be around vignetting and advanced lens design topics.
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Hear from Jeremy Govier, Principal Engineer at Edmund Optics, at our next Innovation Summit about pushing your imaging lenses beyond their specsheet.
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In this episode clip from LIGHT TALK, hear Nick Sischka, Manager of Sales Operations for Imaging at Edmund Optics, talk imaging trends and provide a preview of what to expect during our upcoming Innovation Summit.
100% virtual, 100% genuine, 100% free.
An opportunity for quality learning to stimulate innovation in the imaging industry for years to come.
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