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Knowledge Center/ Questions Techniques Fréquemment Posées/ Questions Techniques Fréquemment Posées/ Windows and Diffusers/ I need a window for imaging underwater. The water is filtered and at room temperature with a very small amount of detergent in it. It is flowing at low speed. Will a MgF2 coated window survive this for a few years?
MgF2 has the solubility of approximately 0.0002g per 100g water at room temperature. So if the water is moving, it means that the MgF2 will be continuously dissolving at a very slow rate. After a long period of time, the whole layer of coating may be totally removed. In addition, the detergent solution will be alkaline [depending on the detergent used, pH value will vary from 7.5 (dishwasher) to 12 (commercial grade detergent)], there is a possibility that the MgF2 will react to form a salt which will appear as a white stain on the coating. In summary, MgF2 would not be ideal for long term use under water. Even if you use an uncoated window, there could be some staining from the glass reacting with the detergent.
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