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To specify the correct goggle for your application, we need to know the Optical Density (OD) required and the wavelength of the laser you are using. The OD is the attenuation density provided by the eyewear and indicates how much energy will be blocked. This information can often be obtained from the laser manufacturer. Each goggle is color coded and stamped with the type of laser beam against which it protects and the OD values provided. We can supply the guaranteed OD values as well as typical values at other wavelengths.
If you do not know the OD needed, our Engineering Department can help you to find the appropriate information. The specifications required to process the request are: the laser type, wavelength(s), and if being used for intrabeam or point source diffuse viewing and at what distance. If continuous wave (CW), then please supply the laser output power (watts) and laser exposure time (sec.). If single pulsed (< 1 Hz), please supply the laser pulse length (sec.) and laser pulse energy (Joules). If repetively pulsed or scanning (> 1 Hz), please supply the laser pulse length (sec.), pulse repetition rate (> 1 Hz), laser pulse energy (Joules) and total emission time (sec.). Please let us know if there is also any hazardous secondary radiation produced (such as laser beam interaction with metals or ceramics during cutting or welding). Also, please indicate if your application requires you to see the reflection from a diffuse beam.
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L'entreprise Edmund Optics GmbH en Allemagne agit comme un mandataire d'Edmund Optics Ltd au Royaume-Uni. Le titulaire du contrat est Edmund Optics Ltd au Royaume-Uni.