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Edmund Optics offers a wide selection of fixed focal length lenses, also called FA (factory automation) or prime lenses, in many different focal lengths options, for different sensor sizes, and in a variety of types with additional machine vision utilities.
The TECHSPEC C Series Fixed Focal Length Lenses is the flagship family versatile and adjustable imaging lenses designed for compact use in most machine vision applications and features focal length options from 3.5mm to 100mm. This family of lenses is also available in a wide range of other useful versions. The TECHSPEC Ci Series Fixed Focal Length Lenses are mechanically simplified and streamlined versions of the C Series that are industrially ruggedized for instrumentation integration. The TECHSPEC Cr Series Fixed Focal Length Lenses are stability ruggedized versions of the C Series with all optical elements glued in place and featuring a C-clamp focus ring for reduced pixel shift and improved focus stability. The TECHSPEC Cx Series Fixed Focal Length Lenses are modular and have flexible mechanics for integrating accessories such as liquid lenses, fixed apertures, and more. The TECHSPEC Cw Series Fixed Focal Length Lenses are IPX7 and IPX9K waterproof versions of the C Series.
Additional fixed focal length lenses adjacent to the C Series family include the UC Series (ultra-compact), designed for ≤2.2μm pixels, the 2/3” and 1.1” HP Series (high-performance), and the CA Series for APS-C format sensors. All fixed focal length lenses at Edmund Optics can be found here.
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L'entreprise Edmund Optics GmbH en Allemagne agit comme un mandataire d'Edmund Optics Ltd au Royaume-Uni. Le titulaire du contrat est Edmund Optics Ltd au Royaume-Uni.