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Solar Eclipse Glasses and Viewers

  • Suitable for Direct Solar Viewing
  • Safely Observe Solar Events
  • ISO- and CE-Certified Protection
  • Multipacks Ideal for Educational Use


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Cardboard Eclipse Viewer
Cardboard Eclipse Viewer - 10 Pack
Cardboard Eclipse Viewer - 25 Pack
Cardboard Eclipse Viewer - 100 Pack
Cardboard Eclipse Shades
Cardboard Eclipse Shades - 10 Pack
Cardboard Eclipse Shades - 25 Pack
Cardboard Eclipse Shades - 100 Pack
Plastic Eclipse Glasses - Black

Description Produit

Solar Eclipse Glasses and Viewers offer ISO and CE-Certified protection against harmful solar radiation and are suitable for direct solar viewing. Durable and reusable plastic glasses are available individually, and cardboard glasses and handheld viewers are available individually or in multipacks of 10, 25, and 100 pieces. The glasses and viewers meet transmission requirements of scale for 12-16 of EN 169/1992 and the ISO 12312-2:2015 standard. Solar Eclipse Glasses and Viewers are ideal for safely viewing solar phenomena such as sunspots, flares, and eclipses while being an excellent choice for education.

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