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Edmund Optics® (EO), the premier provider of optical components, highlghts its TECHSPEC® Precision Aspheric Lenses. These lenses are designed to focus light, while they eliminate spherical aberration from divergent light sources. Designed and manufactured by Edmund Optics, Precision Aspheric Lenses are ideal for applications including focusing the output of laser diodes.
Aspheric lenses can increase the numerical aperture of a lens
RoHS compliant TECHSPEC Precision Aspheric Lenses feature precision aspheric designs that minimize spherical aberration, which decreases laser spot size and maintains high power per area. Aspheric lenses can increase the numerical aperture of a lens and may also reduce the number of elements needed in a multi-element system, potentially reducing overall system weight, increasing throughput, and simplifying assembly.
Low f/#s for optimal light gathering
TECHSPEC Precision Aspheric Lenses have been computer optimized to eliminate spherical aberrations and minimize higher order aberrations. Featuring low f/#s for optimal light gathering performance, the lenses offer available prescription data for easy integration into a wide range of optical systems.
Available uncoated or with VIS or NIR coatings
TECHSPEC Precision Aspheric Lenses are available uncoated or with a VIS coating, which provides less than 1.5% reflection from 425-675nm, and a NIR coating, providing less than 1.5% reflection from 600-1050nm. They are offered in 78 models with diameters from 10mm to 50mm and numerical apertures from 0.50 to 0.83. TECHSPEC Precision Aspheric Lenses are in-stock and available for immediate delivery for fast turnaround and excellent value. Custom diameters and coatings at your required wavelength are also offered to create a precision aspheric lens that meets your needs.
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L'entreprise Edmund Optics GmbH en Allemagne agit comme un mandataire d'Edmund Optics Ltd au Royaume-Uni. Le titulaire du contrat est Edmund Optics Ltd au Royaume-Uni.