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Edmund Optics® (EO), the premier provider of optical components, is honored by Philadelphia SmartCEO as one of Philadelphia’s top family businesses in the Large business category. The Family Business Award celebrates the distinguished achievements and contributions the top 30 family businesses have made to their community. Honorees will be profiled in the May/June issue of Phildelphia SmartCEO magazine and celebrated at an event on May 6, 2015.
“We are very proud to be recognized as an honoree by the Family Business Awards for our continued impact in the Philadelphia business community,” stated Marisa Edmund, Executive Vice President of Marketing and Communications at Edmund Optics.
Edmund noted that her grandfather, Norman Edmund, founder of Edmund Optics, had always been earnest in his desire to maintain family values and set a positive example for other industry leaders in the Greater Philadelphia area.
Thirty family businesses were selected for the 2015 award in Small, Small/Medium, Medium, and Large categories. This year’s honorees collectively generate more than $3.6 billion in annual revenue and employ over 26,000 individuals.
Smart CEO’s mission is to educate and inspire the business community through its award-winning magazine, connections at C-levels events and access to valuable online resources. SmartCEO’s integrated media platforms reach decision makers in the Baltimore, New York, Philadelphia and Washington, DC, metropolitan areas.
The Family Business Awards program honors family businesses that make up the backbone of the American economy. More than 2/3 of privately held businesses in the US are family-owned firms. They are driving the local and national economy and fueling job growth, but many times they are overshadowed by large public organizations. Smart CEO is honoring and celebrating the family businesses who are successful, growing and moving America forward. An independent committee of local business leaders selects honorees based on the quality of applications submitted.
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L'entreprise Edmund Optics GmbH en Allemagne agit comme un mandataire d'Edmund Optics Ltd au Royaume-Uni. Le titulaire du contrat est Edmund Optics Ltd au Royaume-Uni.