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Edmund Optics® (EO), the premier provider of optical components, was named one of the "Top Workplaces" for 2015 in the Philadelphia region based on an independent survey conducted by WorkplaceDynamics.
WorkplaceDynamics invited 35,000 employees from companies around the region to anonymously rate their bosses and companies. Edmund Optics was recognized in the mid-size company category for a sixth year in a row and is one of only 18 companies to be recognized every year this project has run.
"We are thrilled to be recognized as a Top Workplace in Philadelphia for a sixth year in a row," said Sam Sadoulet, COO and President. “At Edmund Optics, we value our employees. It is an incredible honor to know that this ranking was received based on their feedback.”
Top Workplaces are about a better way of doing business. Extensive research has shown that organizations that rank in this survey are providing their employees with a great place to work in an environment where they can be more innovative, and in a company that operates more ethically and serves their customers better. Edmund Optics is proud to be included in this group of exceptional organizations. Complete details can be found at http://www.philly.com.
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L'entreprise Edmund Optics GmbH en Allemagne agit comme un mandataire d'Edmund Optics Ltd au Royaume-Uni. Le titulaire du contrat est Edmund Optics Ltd au Royaume-Uni.