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Edmund Optics®, a leading global manufacturer and provider of optical components, now offers 24/7 online chat support, an optics and photonics industry first. Recognized industry-wide for its customer service, Edmund Optics can provide English-speaking customers with product and application support at any time. Our engineers are equipped to answer application-specific questions and help customers navigate over 34,000 products.
"Customer service has always been at the forefront of what we do, and we are very excited to announce our 24/7 chat support," says Ed Kay, Vice President of Retail Marketplace at Edmund Optics. "This service will allow customers to reach out to us for help with their application-specific or product-related questions at a time that is most convenient for them."
To speak with someone from Edmund Optics now, visit our website at www.edmundoptics.com and click the LiveChat button.
About Edmund Optics:
Edmund Optics® has been a leading, global provider of optical technology solutions that has served a variety of markets since 1942. The company services its customers through three distinct offerings: a marketplace that serves as a one-stop shop for the best brands and products in optics and photonics; custom and volume manufacturing of quality optical and imaging components and systems; and optical consulting, design, prototyping, and other engineering services as part of our manufacturing offerings. The company employs 1,250+ employees across 18 global locations and continues to expand. Customers can learn more, speak to an engineer, or purchase items through our website at www.edmundoptics.com.
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Copyright 2023 | Edmund Optics, Ltd Unit 1, Opus Avenue, Nether Poppleton, York, YO26 6BL, UK
L'entreprise Edmund Optics GmbH en Allemagne agit comme un mandataire d'Edmund Optics Ltd au Royaume-Uni. Le titulaire du contrat est Edmund Optics Ltd au Royaume-Uni.