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Edmund Optics® (EO), the premier provider of optical components, organized a career exploration workshop for Girls Inc. of the Greater Philadelphia and Southern NJ at its Barrington, NJ facilitiy.
“We believe in the importance of role models for these young women, to keep them interested in STEM fields,” stated Rebecca Emerich, Educational Outreach Manager, Edmund Optics. “Which is why we invited Girls Inc. to join us for an exploration workshop, that included a tour of Edmund Optics’ facilities, hands-on optical experimentation, and interaction with successful, female Edmund Optics employees who shared their personal journeys into the world of STEM and answered the questions of the ambitious young women of Girls Inc.” Edmund Optics is invested in growing the number of young girls pursuing careers in the STEM field. After the event, one of the young girls from Girls Inc. stated, “My favorite part was that I got to see that there are successful and ambitious women in a so-called man’s industry.”
Girls Inc. inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold, providing more than 140,000 girls across the U.S. and Canada with life-changing experiences and solutions to the unique challenges girls face. Hands-on, research-based programs provide girls with the skills and knowledge to set goals, overcome obstacles, and improve academic performance. Informed by girls and their families, Girls Inc. also works with policymakers to advocate for legislation and initiatives that increase opportunities for girls.
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