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Edmund Optics® (EO), global manufacturer and supplier of optics and imaging components, has launched a new, dedicated Canadian website with options to purchase in local Canadian currency or US dollars, along with a toll-free line for engineering and customer support. In addition, product and content displayed on our website can now be tailored to the specific needs of our Canadian customers. Overall, this new website is designed to provide the best customer experience for our Canadian businesses and universities.
As Edmund Optics experiences rapid, global growth, investments continue to be made in key markets. Canada remains a very influential optics market and requires a unique approach to best serve the needs of our Canadian customers.
Visit the new website at www.edmundoptics.ca.
About Edmund Optics:
Edmund Optics® (EO) is a leading global supplier of optics, imaging, and photonics technology that has served a variety of markets including Life Sciences, Biomedical, Industrial Inspection, Semiconductor, R&D, and Defense since 1942. Edmund Optics designs and manufactures a wide array of optical components, multi-element lenses, imaging systems, and optomechanical equipment, while supporting OEM applications with volume production of stock and custom products. With locations in more than nine countries across the globe, Edmund Optics employs just over 1,000 employees and continues to expand. Customers can purchase items by calling 1-800-363-1992, via the catalog, or on the website at www.edmundoptics.com.
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Copyright 2023 | Edmund Optics, Ltd Unit 1, Opus Avenue, Nether Poppleton, York, YO26 6BL, UK
L'entreprise Edmund Optics GmbH en Allemagne agit comme un mandataire d'Edmund Optics Ltd au Royaume-Uni. Le titulaire du contrat est Edmund Optics Ltd au Royaume-Uni.