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Acrylic Filter 400nm 3mm thick, M39

Stock #71-983 Nouveau 3-4 jours
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Ouverture Utile CA (mm):
Longueur d'Onde de Coupure (nm) :
Filetage Filtre:
M39 x 0.50
Transmission Min. (%):
OLEO AR Coated Coating applied to both surfaces
Diamètre Externe (mm):
Bande de Transmission (nm):
415 - 1100
Mounted Imaging Filter
Mounted in Black Anodized Ring
Épaisseur de Monture (mm):
Épaisseur du Substrat (mm):
Épaisseur de la monture avec le filetage (mm):

Conformité réglementaire

Certificate of Conformance:

Description commune pour les Produits de la même Famille

  • High Efficiency, Oleophobic Anti-Reflection Coating
  • M22.5 through M105 Threaded Mount Options Available
  • For Imaging Applications in the UV, VIS, and NIR Ranges

Acrylic Protective Longpass Filters cover the UV, VIS, and NIR spectral ranges and are designed with high-efficiency, anti-reflection oleophobic coatings that resist smudging, minimize light loss, and enhance performance. These filters offer a cost-effective way to protect expensive lenses and lighting from dirt, dust, liquids, impacts, and harsh conditions while maintaining image quality. Mounted in threaded mounts ranging from M22.5 to M105, these filters can be easily integrated into a variety of imaging applications. Acrylic Protective Longpass Filters achieve high transmission rates, typically exceeding 90% within their designed wavelength range. These filters are ideal for a diverse range of imaging applications such as industrial camera housings, dashboard cameras, LCD screen protection, and thermal uses as well as FDA and EFSA applications where the use of glass is not permitted and thickness is a concern.

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