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Edmund Optics®

Centre de Connaissance

 Une bibliothèque vérifiée de ressources techniques fiables créées par nos 240+ ingénieurs internationaux.

Optics Ressources Techniques (295)

La microscopie multiphotonique

Multiphoton microscopy is ideal for capturing high-resolution 3D images with reduced photobleaching and phototoxicity compared to confocal microscopy.

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Comprendre les spécifications optiques

Do you want to know more about the importance of optical specifications? Learn the different types of specifications and their impact on your system at Edmund Optics.

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Tout Savoir sur les Lentilles Asphériques

Learn all about the benefits of aspheres, their unique anatomy, how they're manufactured, and how to choose the right one for your system.

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Laser Optics for Eye Surgery

Les lasers modifient les structures responsables de déficiences visuelles par des changements photo-thermiques et photo-chimiques dans le tissu rétinien.

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Comment fabrique-t-on un objectif d'imagerie d'EO ?

Cette vidéo montre l'ensemble du processus de fabrication d'un assemblage d’objectif d'imagerie, y compris la conception, la fabrication des éléments de l’objectif, l'assemblage et les tests.

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Comprendre et Spécificier le LIDT des Composants Laser

Laser induced damage threshold (LIDT) denotes the maximum laser fluence an optical component can withstand with an acceptable amount of risk.

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Propagation des faisceaux gaussiens

Many lasers are assumed to have a Gaussian profile, and understanding Gaussian beam propagation is crucial for predicting real-world performance of lasers.

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Traitements Antireflets (AR)

Les traitements antireflets (AR) sont appliqués aux composants optiques afin d'augmenter le débit et de réduire les risques causés par les reflets.

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Introduction à la polarisation

Besoin de modifier ou de sélectionner un état de polarisation de lumière spécifique ? Découvrez notre sélection de polariseurs dichroïques et cristallins ou de grilles polarisantes pour commencer

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Comment fabrique-t-on une lentille asphérique ?

Edmund Optics® fabrique des milliers de lentilles asphériques de précision par mois dans notre cellule de fabrication d'asphères qui fonctionne 24 heures sur 24.

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Using IR Spectroscopy for Counterfeit Drug Detection

Infrared spectroscopy is used to detect harmful chemicals in counterfeit drugs making it critical to combat the opioid crisis, in the field or the lab.

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Basics of Ultrafast Lasers

Master the fundamentals of ultrafast lasers and how to choose optics that can withstand their high powers and short pulse durations.

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Introduction aux prismes optiques

Learn about the different types of optical prisms, their applications, and how to select the right prism for your specific system.

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Wavelength: Why Is the Sky Blue?

Optical Engineer Cory Boone explains how different light wavelengths cause the sky to appear blue during the day and change colors at sunrise or sunset.

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Infrared Light

Optical Engineer Andrew Fisher explains how you can see the "invisible" light, or infrared light, from your own TV remote.

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How Rainbows Work

Optical Engineer Karen Malek explains why rainbows form because of refraction, reflection, and dispersion.

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An Inside Perspective: Optics 2013

Edmund Optics' Chief Operating Officer, Samuel Sadoulet, provides his inside perspective on the optics industry for 2013.

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2021 Holiday Video

Happy Holidays from Edmund Optics®! As we enter our 80th year of business, we would like to thank the community that has supported us over the years.

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2022 Holiday Video

Happy Holidays from Edmund Optics Worldwide!

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2023 Holiday Video

Happy Holidays from Edmund Optics Worldwide!

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What is the largest size component(s) Edmund Optics® can manufacture using CNC equipment?

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Why hasn’t all optical manufacturing equipment been replaced with CNC machines?

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Angle de volet

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NIR (infrarouge proche)

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Longueur d'onde de pic

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Luminosité relative

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Infrarouge à ondes courtes (SWIR)

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