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Mastering Optical Filters: Expert Tips for Choosing the Best Filter

Mastering Optical Filters: Expert Tips for Choosing the Best Filter

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Expert Tips for Choosing the Best Filter

Join us for a discussion about how to determine what optical filters will maximize your system performance.

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Key Insights for Optimizing Spectral Performance

We invite you to attend this 60-minute webinar presented by Angelica Compatangelo, Technical Marketing Manager at Edmund Optics®.

Join this event to learn about the nuances of selecting an optical filter for your application.

At the end of this webinar, attendees will have a strong understanding of:

  • The main types of optical filters, along with their pros and cons
  • The key optical and mechanical specifications you need to consider
  • Common filter applications and solutions to common problems

Meet the Presenter
Angelica Compatangelo

Angelica Compatangelo

Angi Compatangelo is the Technical Marketing Manager at Edmund Optics' UK Office. Since joining Edmund Optics in 2015, Angi spent over six years in Applications Engineering, providing optics-based solutions to customers for their application challenges. Currently, Angi specializes in optical filters in her role as Technical Marketing Manager. She is responsible for the marketing strategy and technical content in this area, coordinating with different experts and business units, and managing all related marketing activities. Angi has a background in biosciences and received a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of York.


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Technical Resources

    Application Notes
    Technical Tools

Application Notes

Technical information and application examples including theoretical explanations, equations, graphical illustrations, and much more.

Optical Filters

Fluorophores and Optical Filters for Fluorescence Microscopy

Custom Bandpass Filter using Shortpass and Longpass Filters

Technical Tools

Technical calculators based on commonly used and referenced equations in the Optics, Imaging and Photonics industries.

Colored Filter Glass Pricing Tool for Custom Sizes 

Manufacturer of
Optical Filters
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